
Travel Healthcare

One of the most important considerations when planning your round the world trip is understanding the issues surrounding travel healthcare.  There are a number of items we considered as we planned our trip.

Shots Required

Since we were not settled on an exact route, we decided to protect our family by getting a number of shots and medications.

We visited he Ajax Provax Travel Clinic  and had a very positive experience – despite having to get some needles in our arms!

We all received the following vaccinations and immunizations:

Healthcare in Ontario

Healthcare in Ontario is covered through the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP).  There are specific rules in place to ensure that current residents of Ontario have access to healthcare.  Since we were leaving Ontario for an extended period of time, our provincial health care coverage would lapse while we were away.

We contacted our local Service Ontario to see how we might extend our healthcare while on our trip. We had to fill in forms and update our cards, (we needed to attend there personally with 3 pieces of photo ID).

If anything should happen, (fingers crossed it doesn’t), OHIP will pay a small amount, and then we pay the rest through our insurance with Manulife.  When we return, we need to visit Service Ontario again, to get our cards and services reactivated.