To support Mikhaila and Zoe’s reading and knowledge building as we travel, we have developed a booklist of award winning tomes that are available as eBooks and audio books from our local library. The girls will be able to download the books onto their tablets and read them as we roam.
I used the site Novelist to develop this list. This is a database of books that have been reviewed by various journals and libraries. It has an advanced search feature where we could enter a search by country and check off award winners. We’re hoping that all of us will be able to read a variety of books that will enhance our travels; a combination of historical fiction and modern day story-lines.
We recognize there are other books that would represent the different countries, but we only listed ones that were available online from our library. In some cases if we cannot check out/locate books from a particular country, we are planning to purchase some from a Canadian online bookstore – Chapters! Of course we love physical books and will have some to carry with us, but we are trying to ensure that our packs stay as light as possible.
This is a dynamic booklist meaning that it is meant to be added to throughout the year. Please let us know if there are other books that might support the knowledge building of our girls. Feel free to add to our Google Doc – we welcome your input!