Category: RTW Travel

  • Chinchero: Part Two

    Chinchero: Part Two

    Congratulations! You have waited until today to read this post! I bet you are sitting on the edge of your seat because you are so excited to hear what we did…. After our farming activity, we went to the family’s workshop to learn how to weave alpaca, sheep and llama wool. When we arrived at the…

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  • Chinchero: Part  One

    Chinchero: Part One

    While spending time with Worldschooler Lainie and her group, we did some amazing things. One of the activities we did in Peru was farming in a town called Chinchero. Lainie first met this family while drinking juice at a cafe. They told her and her son Miro about their culture and how they farm. They…

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  • Incredible Incas!

    Incredible Incas!

    Throughout our trip, we have met some amazing people who have really enriched our travels and experiences in different countries. While in Peru, we were lucky to meet up with the leader of the “World Schooling movement” Lainie Liberti and her son Miro. This dynamic duo has been travelling and learning about the world for…

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  • Four flew over the Cusco nest!

    Four flew over the Cusco nest!

    Up to this point it had been a real whirlwind of travel, going from LA to Quito, Ecuador and then catching an early morning flight to Cusco, Peru. This was to be the launching point for our trek to Machu Picchu.  Since we knew that there was risk of altitude sickness on our trek, we decided to…

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  • Edible Ecuador!

    Edible Ecuador!

    Of course we must do a food posting on some of the delectable delights we had in Ecuador. Now most people probably think they know South American food from visiting Taco Bell or the former Chi Chi’s, (tacos, burritos, enchiladas etc…) Well, there were some other neat delights that we must share! First of all,…

    Read more: Edible Ecuador!